Israel Travel Blog

Petra with Children: A Complete Guide (2023 UPDATE)

Why Visit Petra with Children?Out of all the reasons, we decided to focus on three.Children will be mesmerized by Petra's beauty. Carved out of rose pink rock, with narrow passageways, stunning facades, colonnaded streets, and magnificent views of the surrounding desert, it really is a one-of-a-kind place.It’s a great way to get your kids off their phones and iPads - once they’ve started exploring the site, they’ll probably be so fascinated with it that you’ll have to drag them away. Exploring Petra is a great way to teach them about history and the Visitor’s Centre offers a free audio guide for children that’s engaging and also educational, letting them explore the site and learn about the people that lived there.Kids at the Petra Archeological Park Jordan is a very child-friendly country. Like everywhere in the Middle East, children rule the roost - everyone loves them, makes a fuss of them, and spoils them. So on a visit to Petra, they definitely won’t need to be seen and not heard.Is it Safe to Take Children to Petra?Jordan is a pretty safe country to visit, in any event, but Petra - in particular - is highly recommended because it’s not just set up for tourism but the government and local security staff there take safety very seriously.There are few incidents of crime (e.g. petty theft) and almost no incidents of violence, making the area very safe for families. You can walk the streets easily, day or night, there are local police on hand both in Wadi Musa and the site of Petra itself. If you decide to visit, you will see many groups of people, consisting both of adults and younger family members, roaming around.The Tourism Police in Wadi Musa (Image by Dickelbers CC BY-SA 3.0)Petra is a popular tourist attraction (which brings in a lot of revenue) and the Jordanian government wants to keep it that way - as a result, they go to great efforts to make sure the area is kept safe - after all, happy tourists will spread the word, or even return!Exploring Petra with ChildrenPetra is enormous and there’s lots to see. But there are some places and things that really must be experienced, including:The Siq and Treasury - walking through the Siq passageway is an incredible feeling and at a certain point it’s so narrow that you can’t see far ahead, so have no idea when the Treasury will come into view. When it does, your children will be overwhelmed. As will you. Then spend time in front of the Treasury itself…it’s simply awe-inspiring.The Indiana Jones trail - older kids will find hiking this trail - in the footsteps of Indiana Jones - completely thrilling. Rather than walking through the Siq, take the trail that heads southwest across a desert plain…eventually you’ll arrive at an amazing lookout high above the Treasury. Think about taking a local guide so you don’t get lost!The view is Amazing!Horse and Carriage/Donkey Riding - some people like to use animals to travel the Siq and your kids might enjoy it - just make sure that you agree on the price beforehand to avoid any possible quarrels and that the animals look well-cared for.Petra by Night - taking children to Petra at night can be a lot of fun - the entire area around the Treasury is lit with thousands of candles and you’ll also be treated to a traditional Arabic musical performance. Just remember that you need to buy a separate ticket for this activity.The Petra Monastery - this medium to hard walk, involving 850 uneven stairs, is a bit steep and not suitable for youngsters but is a well-worn trail. Moreover, you’ll be rewarded with spectacular views of this site and there are far fewer crowds there than at the Treasury.Little Petra - a fifteen-minute drive from Wadi Musa and boasting free entrance, this site is smaller and more compact but with the same facades and gorges. Children will love the caves and rock formations there and there are easy hikes for all the family.What Kind of Places can I Stay with Children in Petra?Petra has accommodations to suit all budgets and tastes. Something kids will really enjoy is sleeping at a Bedouin camp - they are well set up and, in many respects, it’s more like ‘glamping’ - comfy beds, private toilets, and even mink throws for when it gets cold at night.Great hotels await you in and around the Petra Archeological Park There are plenty of mid-range and upscale resorts around, with family rooms, play areas, and even kids' clubs. You and your children will love eating traditional Jordanian food around a campfire at night or in one ofPetra's great restaurants. And if you decide that you need a quiet night out with your partner, you can book babysitters in some of the top resorts.Tips for Traveling to Petra with ChildrenAs we’ve said, your children are bound to love visiting this Lost City but there are still a few things you should bear in mind, and here are some tips to make the trip as enjoyable as possible.Try to avoid traveling there in the summer - it can be scorching hot. Consider March to May and September to November as optimal dates - temperatures are pleasant and skies clear, but there will be little rain.Keep an eye on your children - certain parts of Petra can get very crowded at certain times of the day, particularly the Siq passageway and the Treasury area.Make sure you're all dressed for exploration - you’ll need comfy shoes, breathable clothing, hats and sunscreen - the sun can be a beast if you aren’t careful.Carry water and snacks with you - it’s easy to get dehydrated if you aren’t careful and this can really ruin your trip, so pack plenty of water (everyone can carry a backpack with a couple of bottles, large or small). Also take some energy bars or dried fruits and nuts, to keep everyone’s strength up.Take the crowds into consideration - exploring Petra early in the morning and later in the afternoon with a rest in the middle of the day - not only will it be less crowded between 7am-10am and from 3pm to closing time, but you’ll all appreciate the lie-down! Your ticket is valid for the entire day so there’s no problem having a break, then returning once the crowds thin out.Book a guided tour of Petra- this means that everything is arranged for you in advance - visas, travel to Wadi Musa, accommodation and the entrance ticket Even better, you’ll have the services of a local guide, who can teach your children all about the special history of the area and make sure they have a holiday that they’ll never forget.
By Sarah Mann

How to Beat the Heat: Weather Guide to Petra, Jordan

Petra’s reputation as one of the modern wonders of the world is well-deserved: it’s not just a site of huge historic importance, it’s also extraordinarily beautiful - and no wonder so many people who take Israel and Jordan toursdedicate a day or two to see its timeless splendor.And let me tell you: the Petra Archeological Park can be visited year-round. Located in the Jordanian desert, on the outskirts of a small village named Wadi Musa, it actually experiences all four seasons!The Siq in Petra, JordanSo what kind of weather can you expect when visiting Petra? Let’s take a look at the average temperature across the calendar and what to expect when taking tours to Jordan at different times of the year.Summer in PetraThere’s no denying it - Petra can be exceedingly hot in the summer. With temperatures soaring, the mercury can end up above 37°C (100°F) at the day’s peak and when the sun is blazing (and the humidity is rising), walking around can be quite arduous.However, this doesn’t mean you can’t visit - it just means you need to be smart and plan ahead.How to deal with the weather at Petra, Jordan1. First of all, set off early. The gates to Petra open at 6 am in the summer which means that if you rise with the dawn, you can walk down the Siq passageway when it’s still quiet and be in front of the Treasury by 7 am. Not only will it be cooler, but you’ll also have incredible photographic opportunities.And if you’re not an early riser, set off later in the afternoon - after 3.30 pm. By then, the majority of visitors will be leaving and not only will the sun’s rays be less intense, but you’ll be able to take advantage of the ‘golden hour’ when the colors of the rocks around you are constantly changing.The Sunrise over the Jordanian desert2. Dress appropriately. We can’t emphasize this enough. Invest in a wide-brimmed hat, good sunglasses (the glare of the sun in the desert is notorious), and wear breathable fabrics. Comfortable footwear is essential (it’s a long walk to the Siq unless you want to travel there by donkey) and before you set off, apply plenty of sunscreen.3. Drink water constantly. This is paramount. In the desert heat, you need to be drinking at least 3 liters of water per day. This may sound like a great deal but it isn’t. Carry water bottles and keep sipping, even when you don’t feel thirsty. Dehydration sneaks up on you and if you don’t take in enough fluids, you’re going to feel awful by the evening and - worst case scenario - end up with heatstroke.Drink as much as possible!4. Take cooldown breaks.If you’re spending the entire day at Petra (rather than going early in the morning, then returning later in the afternoon), try and stay out of the sun between 11 am to 3 pm. This is when it is at its most intense. Inside the site is a restaurant called The Basin, which offers shaded, indoor dining with air-con. This is a good option for breaking up your day and taking some rest.5. Visit Petra in the evening. Not that we don't think Petra is worth seeing in the day, but if you want to avoid the sun, go at night! Several times a week, the area in front of the Treasury is lit up by thousands of candles and it’s a truly incredible sight. Even though this is an additional cost to the ticket price, many find it to be a unique experience.Fall in PetraBy the time summer has passed, the temperatures will be dropping again: Fall is a wonderful time to visit Petra. In September it will still be hot in the day (around 30°C/85°F) but pleasant in the evening. Moving into October, temperatures will still be moderate but will start to dip as the month progresses.Get some shade, and grab a drink - the Coffee is better than you've ever imaginedBy the end of the month, the skies may be a little bit more overcast but you still shouldn’t have to deal with rain. Nevertheless, you should definitely pack a warm jacket because by the evening it will be cold!Still, with median temperatures of 27°C (81°F), this is a very popular time for visitors. And even in November, although you might encounter some light rain, it’s still possible to hike and cycle around the site! Petra isn't too crowded during this season, so people who favor a relaxed atmosphere tend to bookPetra toursfrom October to November.Winter in PetraPetra boasts a cold but reasonably dry winter climate. And even whilst there will be fewer hours of daylight than at any other time of the year, on a good day there might easily be 7 hours of sunshine! The average temperature throughout December - January will be around 14°C (57°F) but drop substantially at night - sometimes to between 0-2°C (32-34°F)Just remember that however much the sun shines in the day, when night falls it’s going to be bitterly cold. You are, remember, in the desert! You’ll need a warm coat, gloves, hat, scarf, and even thermal underwear if you suffer from winter chills!The Petra Monastery in winterTwice, since the 1960’s, Petra has flooded, which means the chances of having to deal with heavy downpours are unlikely but still possibleRain is most likely in December but there won’t be enormous amounts - you’re far more likely to see frost on the ground. And the good news about traveling to Petra at this time of the year means there will definitely be fewer tourists.Just remember that while the gates still open at 6 am in the winter, they close at 4 pm so plan ahead accordingly.Spring in PetraThe beginning of spring - March - is a wonderful time to visit Petra. The sun will be shining brightly, wildflowers out everywhere you look and temperatures will be hovering between 18 to 24°C (64-75°F).By April, spring will have arrived in earnest, and by May it will already be heating up. Still, this is a very popular time of the year to make a visit - the climate is almost perfect, being neither too cold nor too hot.The Petra Monastery during spring, with blooming Oleander bushesIn terms of exploring the lost city, the climate is perfect - not too hot and not too cold. The only possible drawback is being caught up in a ‘hamseen’ - a desert wind that blows across the Arabian peninsula at this time of the year. With it comes dust and sometimes dark skies, not to mention raised temperatures and sand flying everywhere. Luckily it tends to last just a few days, but it’s good to be preparedWeather at Petra, Jordan: When should I come?In conclusion, there’s no ‘one time’ of the year to visit Petra (or Wadi Rum, if you like camping, stargazing, and jeep trips) but the spring and the fall are undoubtedly the best months to make a trip. Because the weather is cooler but not too chur blog.
By Sarah Mann

​​First Time in Israel: The Ultimate Guide for 2023

Whether you're traveling on a spiritual tripin the footsteps of Jesus, or just want to have some Middle-Eastern fun - your first time in Israel will be a trip you’ll never forget! This is a land that might be small, but it really packs a punch in terms of history, nature, art and culture, cuisine, and nightlife; few go away disappointed after a holiday here.The best sandy shores in the Middle East await you!Still, if it’s your first trip to Israel, you’re bound to have a few questions, not to mention be looking for tips and hacks to make sure you get the most out of your vacation. Here’s a few things we think you might want to know before you arrive. Shalom and welcome!The Best Time to Visit IsraelIsrael’s a great year-round destination but for the best weather conditions, we’d have to recommend spring and late fall. From March to mid-June, there will be plenty of sun, warm days with cool evenings and it’s perfect for sunbathing in Tel Aviv, hiking both in the Galilee, trekking in the Negev desert, and eating al fresco in the evenings.Ever seen the sunset from the top of a 2,000-year-old legendary Fortress?After the long summer months, October is a wonderful time to travel, when the heat is abating but you can still swim in the Mediterranean, and enjoy the blue skies. November is also pleasant and - with fewer tourists around - the top sites will be less crowded and accommodation will be cheaper to book.The Worst Time to Visit IsraelThere’s no real ‘worst’ time to visit Israel (honestly!) but there are certain times of the year that it’s worth avoiding, on a pragmatic level.Yom Kippur (falling sometime between Sept-Oct) is Israel’s ‘Day of Atonement’ where at least half of the Jewish population fast for 25 hours and attend services around the clock, in synagogues. It is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar and throughout the country, everything is shut.Yom Kippur In Israel - people just walking on the empty roads (Photo by Ron Almog, CC BY 2.0)By this, we mean everything! You cannot drive on the roads, shop, visit restaurants, tour historic sites and museums and even Ben Gurion International Airport shuts down. Essentially, the country comes to a standstill - so be prepared for ‘quiet time’ if you’re visiting.In terms of weather, July and August can be blisteringly hot, and January and February cold and rainy (especially in Jerusalem and the Golan Heights). And two of the major Jewish holidays - Passover (which lasts for 8 days and falls in the spring) and Sukkot (a seven-day festival in the Fall) are when Jews from around the world visit Israel, so the country is very crowded.Must-See Historic & Religious Sites in IsraelIsrael is home to hundreds of religious and historic sites, but some are so incredible that they have to be on your ‘Milk & Honey bucket list‘. They include:The Old City of Jerusalem.the Old City is small (less than one square kilometer) but walking through its ancient gates and wandering inside its walls is truly an unforgettable experience. Sacred to three major world religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam) the Old City is crammed with religious sites, includingVia DolorosaandChurch of the Holy Sepulchre,the Dome of the RockandTemple Mount,the Western Wallandthe ancient underground tunnelsof the City of David.The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Old JerusalemYou could spend days, if not weeks, exploring Jerusalem but if you really want to get the most out of it we recommend taking awalking tour of the Old City- guides in Israel are licensed by the Ministry of Tourism and you’ll be blown away at how much history they really can share with you.Also, try to find time to visitthe Mount of Olives. Just outside the Old City, it’s home tothe Garden of Gethsemaneand several beautiful churches, includingDominus Flevit,Pater Noster, and theRussian Church.Masada Fortress:the ancient fortress of Masada, set on a plateau in the Judean desert, is one of Israel’s most visited archaeological sites. At its top is a Herodian palace, which you can reach and explore by taking a cable car up and witnessing dramatic views.The Masada national parkis also close tothe Dead Sea, so you can easilycombine the two attractionsin an organized day trip - there's plenty ofMasada Toursto choose from. Masada Fortress from aboveBethlehem:The famous birthplace of Jesus is just a short trip from Jerusalem. You can visitManger Square, continue to theChurch of Nativity, see enjoy great street food along the way.The city is under the control of the Palestinian Authority so the easiest way to explore it is with anorganized tour to Bethlehem; you will have the services of guides on both sides of the checkpoint and a comfortable and safe trip.Don't tell me you never spent Christmas in Bethlehem!Nazareth and the Sea of Galilee:The north of Israel isn’t just stunningly pastoral; it’s also home to Nazareth - where Jesus lived as a child - and the Sea of Galilee - where he spent most of his adult life, ministering, recruiting his disciples and performing miracles. Churches, synagogues, and glorious views of mountains and hills at every turn mean these spots should definitely make the ‘must-visit’ list.The Sea of GalileeWhat about nature and outdoor activities in Israel?You’re truly spoilt for choice in Israel when it comes to the great outdoors and with plenty of spots to ski, dive, hike, trek, rappel, and jeep ride - adrenalin junkies will be in paradise.Israel’s home to some stunning national parks, within which you can hike or bike along trails, swim in streams and stand under waterfalls, and picnic under eucalyptus groves. In the Golan Heights, you can take jeep tours along the border with Syria, affording you not just magnificent views but a chance to see old fortifications from wars fought long ago.The Banias WaterfallDown in the Negev and Arava desert, you can hike and trek through wadis (valleys), camp under the stars, spend a night with Bedouins, and explore one of the largest craters in the world - the Mahktesh Ramon in the tiny town of Mitzpe Ramon. Walk around its edges, hike inside it (it’s home to wonderful flora and fauna), or - for an experience, you’ll never forget - rappel down its side!Finally, for those who love the water, head to Eilat for snorkeling and diving in coral reefs, jet skiing and paddleboarding on the Red Sea, swimming with dolphins on a reef, camel riding in the nearby mountains, and a trip to Timna Park, home to incredible rock formations and an ancient copper mine!Israeli food: what should I expect?It’s impossible not to eat well in Israel. Trust us, this country is heaven for foodies, not to mention vegetarians and vegans, lovers of baked goods, cheese aficionados, those who keep kosher, and even gluten-intolerant folks.The Holy Land has some awesome gourmet foodBecause Israeli society is such a melting pot (Jews from every corner of the globe live here) that’s reflected in its food. There’s fantastic fish (straight from the Mediterranean), all kinds of white and yellow cheeses, an astonishing variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, and boutique bakeries at every turn.“Classic” Israeli street food includes falafel in pita (deep-fried chickpea balls, served up with salad, pickles, and tahini), sabich (an Iraqi sandwich), and - of course - hummus (if you’re adventurous, order a plate of it with an egg, mushrooms or ful (Egyptian fava beans). Meat lovers can go with shawarma or chicken soup (also known as ‘Jewish penicillin’).Israeli Street food is almost addictive!For those who are really curious, we’d recommend a Carmel Market food tour in Tel Aviv or perhaps splashing out on a gourmet meal at one of Jerusalem’s top restaurants.What’s the daily atmosphere like in Israel? Is it safe?Israelis are an interesting bunch - they’re curious about the world, love talking to tourists, are warm and friendly, and sadly often so direct that visitors mistake this for rudeness! Something else you’ll notice is that contrary to everything you read in the news, daily life in Israel is quite ‘normal’ (save for occasional flare-ups, most of which tend to happen in the West Bank).Israelis will just smile at you; it's in their natureIsrael’s remarkably safe on a personal level - you can walk around at 3 am and no harm will come to you - and is, therefore, a good place for solo and female travelers. Nearly everyone speaks some English and many people are fluent (Israelis are great travelers themselves) and are anxious for visitors to see how wonderful their country is.Eilat, Israel's best resort cityMost of all, Israelis love to help. If you trip over in the street, 20 people will run to lend you a hand. If you’re lost, you’ll not only be given directions but often offered a ride. And if you’re visiting over the Jewish holidays, don’t be surprised to receive an invite to someone’s home - hospitality here is legendary.What does a 10-day trip to Israel cost?We won’t sugarcoat it - this country can be expensive; Tourists arriving here are often astounded by the high cost of food, alcohol, and accommodation - of course, there are ways to travel Israel on a budget and make your trip more affordable - but you do need to prepare yourself.Whilst it’s possible to travel independently (public transport is cheap and efficient, most locals speak good English, infrastructure is developed) but you’re still going to spend a fair bit. That’s why many people choose, on their first trip, to opt for a package tour around Israel. The Bahai Gardens in HaifaWhether you’re looking for a ‘classic trip’ or something oriented towards Christian pilgrims, booking a package means you’ll have the services of a guide, an air-conditioned bus, the cost of entrance to many sites paid in advance, and all accommodation organized for you. Basically, it’s a stress-free and time-efficient way to see the country and, when you’ve crunched the numbers, it may not be that much more expensive than going it alone.Tour groups can save more, and do more in IsraelThat being said, it’s also possible to travel the country independently and, whenever you feel like it, book an Israel day trip. Places like Masada and the Dead Sea, Nazareth, and the Galilee, are a bit tricky to travel around without a car rental, and if you don’t want to drive or - of course - want to know more about the history of these areas, then a day tour with a guide is the way to go.If you’re interested in learning more about our taking a vacation in Israel or Organized Tours in Israel, feel free to reach out by email, Whatsapp, or phone - we’re happy to answer all your questions and help you make your trip a very memorable one.
By Sarah Mann

Is it Safe to Drink the Water in Israel?

As a general rule, wherever you are in the world you should be drinking at least two liters of water today but when it comes to visiting Israel in the summer, you need to be consuming water all the time, even when you don’t think you need it!We’re here to answer all your questions about the water supply in Israel - where does it come from, what’s in it, is it safe to drink, and plenty more besides. The good news is that being a modern country with an excellent healthcare system, we don’t think you’re going to have too many problems staying healthy as long as you just keep sipping!Is the water in Israel safe to drink?One of the first things we’re usually asked by people who book tours to Israel with us is “Is the tap water safe to drink?” and we’re pleased to announce the answer is a resounding “yes.”Israel's water is superb, even tap water.Wherever you go in the country, you can be assured that tap water in a restaurant, and water from public fountains found in big cities is perfectly safe. You can alsototally truston-site water coolerswhether you're taking a day trip in Jerusalem, visiting northern Israel,touring Masada and the Dead Sea, or any other tourist favorite spots.And one tip we always give our clients is to keep filling up your bottle, whenever you have the opportunity. Whether you’ve brought your own thermos flask from home or are just refilling from a plastic bottle you purchased here, it’s completely free.How much is a bottle of water in Israel?If you’re popping into a corner store or kiosk for a small bottle of water (500 ml), expect to pay around 6-8 NIS. A larger bottle may cost around 8-10 NIS, but if you go to supermarkets and buy in bulk (i.e. a pack of six, containing 1.5 liters) the cost is much more reasonable - between 10-12 NIS. This works out at less than 2 NIS a bottle.The bottle with you, fill it up laterOf course, lugging around large bottles is a bit inconvenient but it’s certainly cost-effective. Also, bear in mind that locally-produced water is cheaper than anything imported, and mineral water will set you back a little more than still water. Still, heading to one of Israel’s supermarkets is probably your best bet if you don’t want to spend a fortune.What’s the Israeli water supply like?Israel has its share of world-famous scientists and has developed an extremely advanced water filtration system in the last sixty years.In 1962, Amiad Filtration Systems was established and from then until now has created all kinds of water solutions (many that other countries across the world have adopted), ranging from filters for the home to huge projects for city authorities and industry.You can trust local water quality, for yourself and your familyThis, to some degree, accounts for Israel’s success in agricultural endeavors (think of the cherry tomato, the Galila melon, and Angello, the seedless bell pepper. In fact, Israel’s government is so committed to agriculture development, that whether you’re traveling up in the Jordan Valley or down in the Negev desert (both particularly hot regions) you’ll see farms and greenhousesWhere does Israel get its water?There are three sources in Israel from which water can be drawn - groundwater pumping (from the mountains and coastal regions). surface water (from the Sea of Galilee, and streams and springs in national parks in northern Israel) and from desalination projects in the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.Today, about 75% of Israel’s drinking water is drawn and then desalinated from the Mediterranean Sea. There is also a project in place (which should be up and running this year) where Israel will begin channeling desalinated water into the Sea of Galilee (the country’s largest freshwater lake and home to an emergency water store). The Jordan River has great water as well!Not only will this not damage the current ecosystem, it will even aid it by keeping water levels stable!And if you want an example of how advanced Israel is in terms of transforming water for economic gain, just look at the figures - in the USA, only 4% of wastewater is reused for agricultural purposes but in Israel, it is almost 90%.How strict are the water quality regulations?More good news - the Ministry of Health has responsibility for ensuring the water in Israel is of good quality so that the public can drink it safely, all year round and they take this matter seriously!Israel’s regulations about water are extremely advanced, with regulations updated every few years - they deal with treatment facilities, quality tests at the water source, and how the supply systems are working. So fear not, for you are in good hands.What is the Drinking Age in Israel?Israel has great water, but also wonderful local Beer. The minimum drinking age in Israel is 18, although some bars and nightclubs may not allow entrance to those under the age of 21-25 (always bring ID with you, if you’re going out for a night on the town).Wine, beer, and hard liquor are available freely in Israel although there are laws about where and when you can consume it (for instance, you cannot drink alcohol in public between 11 pm and 7 am). Technically, this means that if you’re sitting on one of Israel’s best beaches with a bottle of beer or wine, after midnight, the police could ask you to pour it away - in practice, this is not common though.Moreover, Israel is very Mediterranean in its drinking culture i.e. people will drink moderately throughout the evening, and avoid getting hopelessly drunk. This moderation is also aided by the fact that alcohol is quite expensive to purchase, both over the counter and in fashionable bars in Tel Aviv!Try the local Beers when you get the chanceEstablished in the 1990s, Bein Harim has been offering organized packages, day trips, and privately-guided tours all over Israel (and, more recently, to Petra and Wadi Rum in Jordan) for over 25 years and with our experienced and qualified guides and professional team, promise to make your visit here one you’ll never forget.For more information about the tours we offer, feel free to contact us by email or phone and if you’re curious about our country, take a look at our blog, where we talk about all aspects of life in Israel.
By Sarah Mann

Best 5-Star Hotels in Tel Aviv: Our Expert Picks for Ultimate Luxury

Everyone needs a bit of luxury in their life from time to time, and there’s no better way to experience it than at a top-notch hotel. Tel Aviv, easily the most dynamic and fun city in Israel, boasts quite a few…many situated on the beautiful Mediterranean seafront, and boasting glorious views and magnificent sunsets.So if you’re looking for some of the best hotels in Tel Aviv, take a look at the list we’ve compiled then go ahead and pick one to take a break in. You deserve it!Of course, as well as the usual amenities you’d expect at five-star hotels (pools, spas, executive lounges, concierges and upscale restaurants), they all offer their guests the chance to be pampered (which, lets face it, is what you want when you’re paying top dollar).Dan Tel Aviv HotelThe Dan’s iconic rainbow-coloured facade has made it a Tel Aviv landmark, but it’s not just the exterior that will stop you in your tracks. In a prime location, opposite Frishman Beach, this is a real favorite with customers, many of whom comment on how their expectations were surpassed. Exemplary service, plush bedding and fantastic cuisine all make a tried and tested five-star favorite.What makes it special? The staff - who are exceptional. They will go out of their way to make your stay unforgettable. The business lounge is particularly good, for those who may unfortunately have to check their work emails periodically!The Rainbow House of Dan HotelHilton Tel AvivSituated in a superb location - the Old North - the Hilton Tel Aviv is a tried and tested favorite, constantly receiving accolades from its faithful customers. An easy walk to Dizengoff Street and the Tel Aviv Port(Namal), its bedding is top-notch, the sea views are wonderful and the Japanese restaurant in the lobby is excellent.What makes it special? Hospitality at the Hilton Tel Aviv is legendary, with welcome bottles of wine and local dates left in rooms. Visitors also remark on howmany vegan options are available at all of their dining facilities.The lobby of the five-star Hilton hotel in Tel AvivThe Jaffa, a Luxury Collection HotelThis 19th-century building (a former convent and hospital) has been so lovingly renovated and so exceptionally designed, that few fail to say ‘wow’ when they walk through the door. Located in ancient and beautifulJaffa, moments from the harbor and the Jaffa flea market, this is a serious blend of old and new with minimalist furniture by Shiro Kuramata and art by the outrageous Damien Hirst. Everything, from the food, the bedrooms and the bar, literally screams luxuryWhat makes it special? The Jaffa hotel is a true oasis of calm, and no more so than at their rooftop pool, with a cocktail in your hand. Their courtyard is also recommended if you’re looking for a tranquil relaxing spot.Aerial view of the Jaffa HotelThe Royal BeachModern and luxurious, and just a stone's throw from the Carmel Market and Nachalat Binyamin, the beautifully designed Royal Beach is part of the ‘Isrotel Exclusive’ brand and as well as all the usual amenities, there’s a Turkish Hamam, great swimming pool and a very helpful concierge. Guests also rave about how good the breakfast selection is…What makes it special? The Royal Beach boasts a chef restaurant- West Side - which is a true culinary experience (particularly for those that love steak) not to mention their popular and classy ‘Gin Bar’ which serves a mean Dirty Martini.People walking on the promenade in Tel Aviv. Royal Beach Hotel is on the rightHerods Tel AvivAcross from the popular Gordon Beach, and overlooking the marina, Herods’ location is wonderful. It’s a historic hotel, which was really big in the 1930s, and it still has a good reputation, particularly for the warmth and professionalism of the staff. Good-sized rooms and an excellent lounge are big pluses for visitors.What makes it special? Guests keep commenting about the fabulous selection of foods, both at their breakfast and dinner buffets and how sumptuous it all is. Moreover, staff often knock at doors in the evening, to check if guests need anything. Now that’s service!Herods hotel lobbyCarlton Tel Aviv HotelElegant and luxurious, the Carlton is perfectly placed in Tel Aviv, on top of the beach and marina, and five minutes walk from urban living on Dizengoff Street. It’s a comfortable and well-maintained hotel, with lovely bedroom linens, a good lounge and just a few steps from the boardwalk (perfect for strolling, jogging and cycling).What makes it special? The hotel interior is immaculate, not to mention the fact that staff go out of their way to anticipate guests’ needs. As one person recently commented on TripAdvisor “‘This is Royal treatment”.Carlton Hotel outdoor poolInterContinental David Tel AvivThe David Intercontinental really pushes out the boat with its spotless rooms (complete with sea views) beautiful pool and friendly staff. There’s a welcoming ambience in this hotel, particularly at breakfast where guests rave about how helpful and friendly the waitstaff are, not to mention the fantastic choices on offer.What makes it special? The location - you’re in Neve Tzedek, one of the city’s most charming, beautiful and fashionable neighborhoods, where you can eat and drink, explore small boutiques and narrow streets and even catch a dance performance at the Suzanne Dallal Center.The David Intercontinental Hotel against a cloudy sky at sunsetRenaissance Tel Aviv HotelOwned by the Marriott chain, the Renaissance is welcoming and friendly but also professional. Facilities are good - indoor pool, rooms with balconies, excellent breakfasts and a very good Shabbat dinner service. The beds are also super duper comfortable, for those that are in need of a good night’s sleep!What makes it special? The location - right next to Gordon Beach, it’s a great spot for strolling, cycling, or watching Israeli folk dancing outside on the boardwalk, on Shabbat mornings. Not to mention genuinely friendly staff.Renaissance executive loungeSheratonThe Sheraton might be at the bottom of this list, but this is no reflection on its appeal! It’s a delightful hotel, beautifully decorated (wonderful flower arrangements) and as well as being clean and modern, it’s very stylish! Comfortable rooms and fantastic power showers are two things guests love, and the ‘Surfside’ restaurant is highly recommended, especially for the foie grass.What makes it special? The pool is large, with plenty of sun loungers all around, which means no-one gets disappointed, especially in the scorching summer months when everyone’s dying to sunbathe.The Sheraton Grand Hotel, located along the promenade of Tel AvivIn conclusion, whether you're seeking a historic retreat or a modern oasis, Tel Aviv's five-star hotels offer unparalleled luxury and exceptional service. Each hotel brings its own unique charm, from the iconic rainbow facade of the Dan Tel Aviv to the serene courtyard of The Jaffa. Indulge in top-notch amenities, stunning views, and exquisite cuisine, all designed to pamper and delight. So go ahead, pick your perfect getaway and immerse yourself in the opulence and vibrant energy that Tel Aviv has to offer. You deserve nothing less than the best.
By Sarah Mann

The Best Areas to Stay in Tel Aviv

So you’re coming to Tel Aviv? Well, lucky you because it’s an amazing destination. Filled with cafes and bars, thebest art museums and galleries, fabulous Bauhaus architecture here in Tel-Aviv and sandy beaches with clear water and amazing Mediterranean views, it really is the kind of city that can offer something to everyone.Of course, one of the things you’ll be thinking about is accommodation, particularly if you’re visiting Israel for the first time, which is why we’re here today to give you the lowdown on where to hang your hat. “What’s the best area to stay in Tel Aviv?" is a question we're often asked and the truth is there are quite a few, depending on what you’re looking for.So if you’re wondering what the best location to stay in Tel Aviv is, and whether you're looking for a luxury hotel, a chic Airbnb, or just simple budget accommodation in a decent hostel for you and your family,here are five areas we think you can't go wrong with:1. The Old NorthSedate and bourgeois, the Old North is a highly desirable area and, arguably, has some of the nicest hotels in Tel Aviv, including the Hilton and the Carlton. It stretches north from Ben Gurion Boulevard to the Namal Port and east to Ibn Givrol Street and boasts some fantastic beaches.What to do and see?The Old North is home to the famous Dizengoff Street, packed with small, independently-run cafes, top Tel Aviv restaurants and trendy cocktail bars. The Hilton Beach (the city’s non-official gay beach) is particularly beautiful and from there you can stroll up to the Namal port and across to the ‘green lung’ of Park Hayarkon.From the Old North, it’s also a short journey by bike, bus or cab to Ramat Aviv, where you can find some of Tel Aviv’s best museums, including the Palmach, ANU (Museum of the Jewish People) and the Yitzhak Rabin Centre.A sunny day at a promenade alongside the YarkonRiver2. Keren Hateimanim - The Yemenite QuarterHome to some of the city's most interesting history, the Yemenite Quarter has become a real ’hot’ area of Tel Aviv in the last ten years. Sitting close to the Carmel Market and also a stone’s throw from the beachfront, the pretty cobbled streets and old-world charm make it a very popular accommodation choice.What to do and see?The area’s home to some excellent Yemenite restaurants, local cafes, tiny backstreets and a moment away is the Shuk haCarmel - Tel Aviv’s largest and most exciting market (foodie alert: consider taking a food tour of the Carmel market). There are a few of the best Tel Aviv boutique hotels that are popular, including the Elliott and Brown Beach.Nearby is Bialik Street where you’ll find the home of Israeli national poet Chaim Nachman Bialik and also the Ruben Art Museum. Nahalat Binyamin is a beautiful pedestrianized street with renovated buildings and a twice-weekly arts and crafts market. Take a Tel Aviv graffiti tour to find out more about the fantastic street art all over this area.Part of a pedestrian street on Nachalat Binyamin Street3. Rothschild Boulevard/ Neve TsedekRothschild Boulevard is grand, imposing and beautiful, and one of the city’s oldest European-style streets, perfect for cycling or strolling. The boulevard leads down to charming Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv’s first neighborhood to be built outside of Jaffa. This is an area packed full of history and if you’re not fussed about being by the beach, it’s for you!What to do and see?At the top of Rothschild Boulevard is Habima Square, home to Tel Aviv’s famous theatre and the Mann Auditorium next door, where the Israeli Philharmonic performs regularly. All along Rothschild are cafes and restaurants, not to mention buzzy cocktail bars so it’s easy to wile away the hours.Head into Neve Tsedek for retail therapy at the upmarket boutiques on Shabazi Street, stop for gelato at Anita and wander around the picturesque tree-lined backstreets. This area has some very stylish Airbnb and top Tel Aviv restaurants - perfect for those who seek an oasis of calm in a city that has often been described as ‘non-stop!’Neve Tzedek, Tel Aviv4. Old JaffaThe ancient, biblical city of Jaffa is so beautiful and charming that it’s arguably one of the best neighborhoods to stay in Tel Aviv. Once a Levantine port and important trading center, today it's full of galleries, restaurants and museums, and from luxury hotels like the Jaffa and the Setia to funky youth hotels ideal for students and digital nomads visiting Israel, you’re going to love this area.What to do and see?You’re truly spoilt for choice in Jaffa - start at the vibrant Jaffa Flea Market (‘Shuk ha Pishpeshim’) where you can haggle over vintage jewellery/clothing and second-hand items, before grabbing breakfast or lunch at one of the many surrounding cafes.Then visit the Artists’ Quarter, which is full of studios selling paintings, sculptures and jewellery you can browse. Wander around Abrasha Park (step inside St. Peter’s Church then walk across the Wishing Bridge) then head down to the harbour. The area is so fascinating that it’s really worth taking a Jaffa walking tour, where you can learn all about its long and complex history.Old Jaffa alleys5. FlorentinLocated in South Tel Aviv, once a gritty working-class area but quickly gentrifying, Florentin has quite a few budget options (including hostels) which make it ideal for backpackers and those on a budget. Young, fun and hipster, the area really comes alive at night, with bars and nightclubs open into the wee hours.What to do and see?Bohemian to the core, Florentin is full of hipster cafes, bars that sell craft Israeli beer and host live music performances, and plenty of ‘edgy’ street art all over the walls. Because it’s still partly an industrial area, you’ll see local crafts workshops as you walk around, as well as tattoo parlors and pop-up art shows. And don’t miss a trip to Levinsky Market, a diverse and busy Greek and Persian-inspired street market where you can pick up all kinds of spices, nuts, dried fruits and unusual snacks.Florentin neighborhoodNo matter where you choose to stay in Tel Aviv, you'll find that each neighborhood offers its own unique charm and character. Whether you're drawn to the historic allure of Old Jaffa, the bustling market atmosphere of Keren Hateimanim, the sophisticated vibe of Rothschild Boulevard, the laid-back elegance of the Old North, or the bohemian energy of Florentin, you're sure to have an unforgettable experience. Tel Aviv's diverse and vibrant neighborhoods ensure that every visitor can find a perfect place to call home during their stay, making this dynamic city a truly exceptional destination. So pack your bags, set your sights on Tel Aviv, and get ready to discover all the amazing experiences that await you. Safe travels!
By Sarah Mann

The Best Sunset Spots in Tel Aviv

There are few things more glorious than a beautiful sunset - and if you’re visiting Israel’s most lively city, you’re in for a treat because it’s full of great places to watch day turn to night.From some of Tel Aviv’s top beaches to the Jaffa port, and from urban skylines to iconic downtown hangouts, you can’t go wrong in choosing your ‘end of day spot’ because this is a city that has a little bit of everything, with beautiful sunsets to be had at every turn.Sunset Times in Tel AvivAs for sunset time in Tel Aviv: when should you get there? Well, that clearly depends on the time of year.In spring, with days long and weather perfect (lots of sun but little humidity), you’re looking at between 5.45 pm in March to 7.45 pm in May.In the height of summer, sunset is close to 8pm in mid June and by end August at 7.15 pm.Fall times range from anywhere between 6.30 pm in September to 4.30 pm in November. And by winter, the days are short so make sure you’ve arrived by 4pm in December and 5.30 pm in February.So, without further ado, let’s answer the big question - where are the best places to watch the sunset in Tel Aviv? Here are seven spots we think you can’t go wrong visiting. The only thing is, you might not have enough days to try them all!Tel Aviv Skyline At Sunset1. Hilton BeachIf you’re looking for the perfect Mediterranean sunset, then Tel Aviv’s Hilton Beach has got to be one of the best places to head. Set in a small cove, near the Hilton Hotel, it’s the non-official gay beach of the city, and it’s secluded, quiet and serene with white sand, clear water that laps gently and lovely views to boot.The Hilton Beach is also famous for surfing and kayaking (it’s easy to rent equipment, if you’re feeling adventurous) and the iconic rainow-coloured structures are the perfect place to sit and take shade, if you arrive in the heat of the day, before the sun goes down. You can also grab a coffee or beer at Bayz Bar, where there are sun loungers - on shabbat, there’s also a DJ so you can watch the sun go down to the beats of some chilled music.2. Tel Aviv Harbour (Namal)The Tel Aviv Port(the ‘Namal’ in Hebrew) is a fantastic place to sit as the sun goes down - one of the city’s top attractions, it fell into decline in the 1950’s but 25 years ago underwent a huge ‘facelift’ - the regeneration project included the conversion of enormous hangers into spaces for shops (selling international brands), a wide range of restaurants and some well-known nightclubs.There’s a gourmet indoor market at the Namal too (think homemade pasta, specialty breads and delectable oysters), a carousel for kids and a magnificent boardwalk, along which you can stroll. It really is an exceptional spot at which to enjoy a Tel Aviv sunset - just bear in mind that it can get crowded, particularly at the weekends since it’s one of the top family-friendly attractions in Israel.3. Gordon/ Frishman BeachAnother Tel Aviv beach sunset spot that we’d highly rate is either at the Gordon or Frishman beach (which sit next to each other). At Gordon beach, there’s actually an outdoor pool (you can purchase a day pass) and volleyball nets on the sand where you’ll see plenty of toned locals enjoying themselves and staying in shape too!Continuing on from Gordon, you’ll hit Frishman beach which is always crowded but no less worth a visit. It has some lovely beach cafes where you can sit with a drink, curl your toes in the sand if you like, and watch the sunset.Afterward, if you’re hungry, head to the corner of Frishman and Dizengoff for some falafel, shawarma or sabich - different kinds of Israeli street food you should definitely try whilst in the country.A great sunset observation point from the Gordon Beach (near the Tel Aviv Marina)4. Jaffa HarbourOld Jaffa has an illustrious history, stretching back to Biblical times, and its seaport is the oldest in the world - about 4,000 years old! The harbour in Jaffa boasts fabulous views of the Mediterranean Sea and as you walk along, you’ll see local fisherman, sitting patiently waiting for a catch, as well as boats setting off for tours around the bay and musicians playing the guitar and the Oud (a classical Arabic instrument).The Jaffa port has really made a comeback in recent years, and its overhaul has made it a big tourist destination, filled with restaurants and cafes, and the nearby Artists Quarter, where you can wander narrow cobbled streets and explore artisan jewelry studios, ceramics workshops and art galleries. Yes, Jaffa Port is the perfect place to watch the sunset in Israel for anyone fascinated by history.Jaffa old port at sunset5. Abrasha ParkAbove the Jaffa port sits Abrasha Park, which is another great spot for watching the sun turn from yellow to orange to red. It’s a small space but beautifully maintained (with lots of benches and garden areas where you can sit and relax as day turns to night) and because it's the highest point in the area, from here you have phenomenal views north towards Tel Aviv.Don’t miss the Gates of Faith statue depicting three famous scenes from the Hebrew Bible, as well as a walk over the Wishing Bridge, (with bronze statues of the twelve zodiac signs) then a wander inside St. Peter’s Church (its interiors are reminiscent of a European-style cathedral). There’s also the famous flea market (open until 2pm) nearby. The entire area is packed with history, architecture and Levantine culture, and we think the best way to see this area is by taking a Jaffa walking tour.An excellent vantage point from Jaffa to Tel Aviv, not only at sunset6. Azrieli ObservatoryLooking for a downtown sunset? Then head to the Azrieli Towers, in the heart of Tel Aviv’s business district for sunset views from high up. The complex has three towers - Square, Triangle and Round - and in the Round building you’ll find the highest observatory in the Middle East.Pay your 40 NIS at the reception then be whisked up to the 49th floor by a super-fast elevator. At the top, you’ll have panoramic views that on a clear day will allow you to see all the way north to Haifa and south to Ashkelon. You can even rent a telescope, if just gazing at the sunset isn’t enough for you!A view from the Azrieli Observatory. Just imagine the view at sunset7. Dizengoff SquareFinally, whilst it’s not the beach, nor a skyscraper, there’s nothing like watching the sun go down whilst hanging out with the locals at Dizengoff Square, one of the city’s most iconic landmarks. Situated in the heart of the famous and bustling Dizengoff Street, the square has been beautifully renovated, and as well as the fountain in the middle, there are chairs where you can sit and just soak up the atmosphere.Even better, once the sun has set, you can grab cocktails at nearby Spicehaus or Concierge, before enjoying dinner at one of the many top restaurants Tel Aviv boasts. Or take a stroll south up to Ha Bima square, then stroll down European-style Rothschild Boulevard, full of renovated Bauhaus buildings and lovely cafes and bars.No matter which spot you choose, watching the sunset in Tel Aviv is a memorable experience that captures the city's unique blend of natural beauty, vibrant culture, and rich history. Whether you find yourself on a serene beach, exploring ancient ports, or gazing from a high-rise observatory, each location offers its own special charm. So, take a moment to relax, soak in the stunning views, and enjoy the magical transition from day to night in this remarkable city. Tel Aviv's sunsets are truly a sight to behold, and one that will stay with you long after the sun has dipped below the horizon.
By Sarah Mann

The Best Breakfast Places in Tel Aviv

Breakfast - it’s arguably the best meal of the day and in recent years in Israel, it’s become a big deal - a chance both to fuel up and catch up. And in Tel Aviv, the country’s most lively city, there are so many great cafes and restaurants, taking it seriously that you’ll be spoilt for choice.Particularly over the weekend -the Jewish Shabbat- wherever you walk you’ll see places with lines outside and packed with family and friends inside, all tucking in to fare that ranges from croissants and granola with fruits, to traditional shakshuka and jachnun (Yemenite delicacies) and the classic Israeli breakfast.How Much is Breakfast in Tel Aviv?The cost of breakfast in Tel Aviv depends very much on where you're going and what you order but, in general, if you want a decent spread (i.e. more than just a croissant and coffee) expect to spend anywhere between 70 -140 NIS (between $20 to $40). However, the chances are that it will be so plentiful that you may not want to eat again until the evening - so it's real value for money.And in Tel Aviv, as we said, there are options for everyone, whether you’re looking for bagels and lox, eggs anyway, fluffy pancakes with maple syrup (and even a rasher of bacon on top), healthy salads or something more Levantine in style.So if you’re wondering where to find the best breakfast in Tel Aviv, try one (or more!) of our recommendations listed below. With their fabulous food, great ambiance, and strong coffee, we don’t think you'll be disappointed!Best Hotel Breakfast in Tel AvivMontefioreThis extremely elegant ‘urban boutique’ hotel surpasses itself at breakfast- everything is excellent but the pastries (particularly the pain au chocolate) are nothing short of outstanding. White linens, gorgeous china and professional staff makeHotel Montefiorea delight to eat at - and for weekend seating's you will need to book well in advance.The DriscoThis five-star hotel, located in an iconic 19th-century building close toJaffa, has a chef's restaurant and they don’t do anything by halves, including breakfast.The Driscohas a buffet breakfast menu that boasts boutique cheeses, smoked herring and even roast beef and their French toast (with crème anglaise) is a work of art. Pricey but worth it.The CarltonFew eat a Carlton Hotel breakfast and don't leave raving. Three kinds of shakshuka (poached eggs in a spicy tomato sauce, a dish originating from Tunisia), an array of freshly squeezed juices, a top-notch omelets station and tasty waffles make this must-visit Tel Aviv breakfast spot. In warm weather, you can eat outside, next to the marina, and gaze atthe Mediterranean.Hotel Breakfast in Tel AvivBest Kosher Breakfast in Tel AvivBirenbaumOn lovely Nahalat Binyamin street (known for its craft market, renovated buildings and interestingTel Aviv street art) you'll find Birenbaum, which was established decades ago and serves an all-day breakfast menu with both veggie andvegan options. Go for the classic Israeli (eggs, salads, dips, bread) or choose their buffet option, which is guaranteed to leave you full. Get there early as once the food is gone, it’s gone!Lorenz and MintzLorenz and Mintz is a laid-back Parisian-style hangout serving fine kosher dairy breakfasts in Tel Aviv’s lovelyNeve Tzedek neighborhood. Situated in a pretty courtyard, it’s hard to choose between their Croque Madame, Eggs Benedict on handmade brioche, French toast filled with almond cream or green ’Shakshuka Galilee’. And, of course, their pastries are to die for.KirschThis is the new go-to kosher eatery onDizengoff Street, where tasty and decently-priced food is what you get, along with a buzzy atmosphere and friendly staff. Whether you want just a coffee and croissant, a sandwich or a hot breakfast (the savoury French toast is fabulous) you’ll be smiling when you leave Kirsch. And the almond croissant is a must-try (take it home, if you’re already full).Bagels and Lox: The Classic Jewish Deli FoodBest Vegan Breakfast in Tel AvivAnastasiaThis lovely cafe in central Tel Aviv serves creative vegan food in warm and friendly surroundings, and they have a great patio area too (perfect for spring andsummer days). Things you have to try there include the famous ‘cheese platter’(which many say is as good as, if not better than its dairy counterpart), the smoothie bowls and the shitake tofu balls. Their desserts and shakes are also great breakfast options and Anastasia also catersto those who are gluten-intolerant.MichelangeloMichelangelo is a stylish cafe, close toJaffa, with great vibes and tasty vegan food. Catering both to hipster locals and those visiting from faraway places, try their quinoa omelette with dips, the tahini balls and their artichoke sandwich, which is legendary. Oh, if you have a sweet tooth, order the lemon and cashew pie - it’s incredible. Go here only once, and you’ll be converted to plant-based breakfasts.XohoA tried-and-tested favourite with young Tel Avivis,Xohoboasts many plant-based breakfast options, including vegan shawarma, the ‘mushroom bacon’ and amazing breakfast burrito,filled with tofu, black beans and the house salsa. Head to nearby Gordon Beachand burn off some calories walking on the promenade.A Healthy Vegan Breakfast BowlBest American Breakfast in Tel AvivBenedictThe Benedict motto is ‘It’s all about breakfast’ and in our opinion it’s probably the best breakfast chain in Israel. It has two locations in Tel Aviv - one near the Hilton Beachand the other onRothschild Boulevard- and they’re both busy (and super crowded at the weekends). The reason is because there is no better place to eat breakfast in Tel Aviv if you’re craving after thick, fluffy American pancakes, bagels with cream cheese and salmon, or a Philly cheesesteak. And their homemade bread baskets (which they’ll happily refill) will ruin any diet you’re on!NOLA American BakeryNOLA American Bakery offers a taste of ‘old style’ America - whether it’s decor, music or food. Their breakfasts will make any expat feel instantly cheerful - from the ‘Blackstone Biscuit’ (served with poached eggs and hollandaise), the pancakes (try ‘Blueberry Bliss’), sweet muffins, healthy options such as granola and their famous BLT. With its warm, inviting interior and cosy vibe, no wonder it’s as popular as the day it opened, back in 2012.Salene FreitagThere’s nothing more American than the humble bagel, and these delicious chewy creations at Salene Freitag are perfectfor munching on at breakfast. Located on trendy Sheinkin Street, a stone’s throw from theCarmel Market(a must-visit for any foodie), the shop opens at 9 am until they run out (usually by lunchtime). Whether with cream cheese, salmon, or bacon, they’re a tasty treat and although there’s no seating, you can take one to go and enjoy it at the nearby park.Full American BreakfastBreakfast in Tel Aviv is not just a meal; it's an experience, a way to savor the city's vibrant culinary scene. From luxurious hotel spreads to cozy vegan cafes, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, exploring these breakfast spots is a delicious journey into the heart of Tel Aviv’s culture. So, set your alarm a bit earlier, and treat yourself to the city’s best morning delights. With such diverse and mouth-watering options, breakfast in Tel Aviv is sure to be a memorable start to your day.
By Sarah Mann

7 Best Cafés in Tel Aviv

If you’re a caffeine addict, and constantly in search of the perfect cup of coffee, you’re going to be in your element in Tel Aviv. The city is awash with fantastic coffee shops, nearly all of them independent, with lots of individual charm and atmosphere.The fact is that there’s a serious coffee culture in this city, ​​with many of the cafes roasting their own beans and selling bags of carefully- considered, customized blends to grateful locals. Most of them also serve great food, ranging from light bites to large plates that will keep you satisfied until dinner time.Yes, when it comes to cafes in Tel Aviv, you’re spoiled for choice…every neighborhood is awash with spots where you can grab a quick espresso, order a latte with almond milk, or just sit with a ‘Cafe Hafuch’ (the Israeli equivalent of the cappuccino) and savor that feeling you get when the caffeine kicks in.The Rothschild Coffee SpotHow much is a cup of coffee in Israel?We won’t sugarcoat it - Tel Aviv doesn’t fall in the ‘super cheap’ destinations list when it comes to accommodation, food and caffeinated beverages, and it’s certainly up there with the more costly cities of London, Paris and New York City.Having said that, once you’ve ordered your drink, you’re not going to be rushed and it’s quite common to see locals and tourists alike lingering over their cups for an hour or two while people-watching in the White City.In general, a cappuccino will cost you anywhere from 14-18 NIS ($4-5) depending on how fancy the place is - and if you’re sitting at a beachfront cafe, or want an iced coffee, it might be even a bit more costly. A tip for those on a budget - head to the chain Cofix, where a regular coffee to takeaway is half the price (in the summer, pick up an ice cafe and head to the beach for a truly heavenly experience).In the meantime, here’s what we reckon are nine of the best cafes in Tel Aviv. The only question is…which one should you begin with?1.CafeXohoCafe Xoho heads our list because it's truly one of the most beloved cafes in Tel Aviv, boasting a laid-back vice, a covered patio and home-cooked healthy (and usually vegetarian) food.Describing themselves as a ‘little cafe with big ideas’ the stars of the show include fluffy pancakes, homemade bagels and a mean breakfast burrito. And if coffee isn’t your thing, you can order a masala chai, a banana smoothie or even a mimosa! All food is made in-house and it’s a great place to sit with a book and while away the hours.With great staff, amazing food and a creative vibe, Cafe Xoho is a true rockstar!Address: Ben Yehuda St 73, Tel Aviv2. Tony and EstherSituated in the Shuk Levinsky, close to Tel Aviv’s hipster Florentin, Tony and Esther is a wonderful neighborhood cafe that serves not just great coffee but tasty vegan food and some very creative cocktails! Yes, this is a cafe in the morning, a restaurant at lunchtime and a restaurant/bar at night.With its spacious patio (and you don’t find many of these in Tel Aviv), there’s a very ‘local’ vibe at Tony and Esther, with music chosen both by employees and customers, and the lines get long as the sun goes down. The cheese blintzes, black lentil salad and schnitzel all come highly recommended and you can’t go wrong with any kind of coffee you order.Address: Levinski St 39, Tel Aviv3. OrigemClose to the beautiful Hilton Beach (arguably one of Tel Aviv’s loveliest stretches of white sand) on trendy Dizengoff Street you’ll find Origem, established by two Brazilians who came to live in Israel and wanted to offer quality coffee to the locals. Well, they’ve accomplished their mission.The coffee is roasted on-site (and you can also buy it in 250g bags) and the flavors change regularly, depending on the beans they’re using. They also serve small sandwiches, little cheese balls and chocolate Alfajores, which are magnificent. The baristas know what they’re doing and it shows.Get yourself to Origem - it’s small and cozy but you can also sit outside, at one of their few tables. You won’t be sorry.Address: Dizengoff St 203, Tel Aviv-Yafo4. Yom TovA stone’s throw from the city’s vibrant and lively Carmel Market (the perfect place to take a food tour of Tel Aviv) you’ll find Cafe Yom Tov, on the same named street. ‘Yom Tov’ in Hebrew means ‘Good day’ and that’s what you're going to have if you come here. It has a great vibe and indoor and outdoor seating and it's the perfect place to come for brunch.As well as the hot drinks (including fine coffee), people rave about their brisket sandwiches (served with pickles!), their acai bowl with fruit and date syrup and their legendary chocolate chip cookies. For those who want to work, there’s an area for those with laptops (not all cafes in Tel Aviv allow this!) Authentic to a tee, Cafe Yom Tov is a great place to kick back and afterward wander in the area’s pretty Yemenite Quarter.Address: Yom Tov St 30, Tel Aviv5. PuaThere’s no place like Jaffa - ancient, magical, evocative - and there’s no place like Puaa, a neighborhood cafe close to the famous flea market that’s a veritable institution. With its authentic vibes, and vintage style (including mismatched crockery and old sofas) it may well remind you of your grandmother’s house - in a good way - and its chilled atmosphere, makes it perfect for a lazy breakfast, lunchtime drinks, or a laid back dinner.Pua - One of the best places, located at the Jaffa Flea MarketPuaa’s quite eclectic in its offerings - think spinach and lentil dumplings, clementine and pomegranate juice, fried cauliflower with labneh - and the staff are friendly and welcoming, never making you feel like you’ve overstayed your welcome. Best of all, all the furniture is for sale, so you can buy that cup and saucer your coffee was served in!And for those who really fall in love with the area, you can always take a walking tour of Jaffa to learn more about its history and charm.Address: Rabbi Yohanan St 8, Tel Aviv6. The Little PrinceBook lovers, this one’s for you! Set just off the famous King George Street in downtown Tel Aviv, you’ll find The Little Prince, which is not just a lovely little cafe but a great bookstore, selling lots of printed matter not just in English but also Hebrew, French and German. Beloved by local students, it’s the perfect place to come, have a drink and a snack and get some work done.The Little Prince boasts extremely friendly staff, vintage furniture, decent wifi and light bites. As well as the inside (where you can surround yourself with the marvelous smell of printed matter) there’s a back garden (not everyone knows about it!) to sit in on warm days. Flaneurs and Bohemians will never want to leave, once they’ve discovered this little gem.Address:King George St 19, Tel Aviv7. Cafe NoirLast but not least on our list is Cafe Noir, a classy cafe/restaurant in the old historic part of Tel Aviv, close to trendy Rothschild Boulevard, where you’ll find so many gorgeous Bauhaus buildings. Intimate, elegant and charming, you could be forgiven for thinking you were in Paris or Vienna, with its ‘bistro style meets old-world charm’ feel.As well as coffee, beer and aperitifs, they have a good menu, which includes legendary dishes such as the chicken liver pate and veal schnitzel) and This is a great place for a date (when they turn the lights down and put on the jazz, it’s super romantic) or a spot to celebrate a special occasion. It’s also excellent for pre or post-theatre suppers since the Israeli theatre Ha Bima and the Israeli Opera House are close by.Finally, Tel Aviv is a paradise for coffee enthusiasts. The city's vibrant coffee culture, characterized by an abundance of independent cafes, each brimming with unique charm and atmosphere, makes it a must-visit destination for anyone in search of the perfect cup. Whether you are savoring a robust espresso, a frothy cappuccino, or a creative blend, the city's baristas take pride in their craft, often roasting their own beans and creating customized blends that cater to every palate. Despite the higher prices, the quality of the coffee and the inviting ambiance of these cafes make it worth every shekel. So, whether you're a local or a tourist, take your time to explore the diverse coffee spots Tel Aviv has to offer. From the laid-back vibe of Cafe Xoho to the bookish charm of The Little Prince, there’s a perfect spot for every coffee lover. Grab a cup, sit back, and enjoy the rich flavors and vibrant scenes of Tel Aviv’s coffee culture.
By Sarah Mann

Tel Aviv and Jaffa: Israeli Cuisine at its Finest

Israel might be a small country but it packs a huge punch, boasting an array of historical sites, beaches, nature, deserts and an extraordinarily eclectic culinary scene, which often leaves foodies feeling like they’ve died and gone to heaven.From street fare bursting with flavour to refined and gourmet Israeli cuisine served up by world-famous chefs, the epicentre of Israel’s food scene is in Tel Aviv and Jaffa, where you’ll experience Israeli cuisine at its very finest. Fluffy pita and crispy falafel…tender shawarma and sizzling fish…crumbly halva and sweet Knafeh…you’ll never go hungry in Tel Aviv and Jaffa!Israeli Cuisine - Rich Flavourful and DiverseIsrael’s a true melting pot, with Jews from around the world settling here from the early 19th century onwards. This means that the dishes you’ll be able to try range from typical Eastern European food (chicken schnitzel, goulash, matzah ball soup) to North African delights (Moroccan baked cod, Tunisian shakshuka, Yemenite breads), and everything served up is a reflection of the diverse population and the recipes they brought with them from lands across the globe.Shakshouka - Middle Eastern traditional dish with poached eggs in tomato sauce with feta cheeseCulinary Treats at the Carmel MarketIn many senses, there’s nothing more satisfying than Israeli street food - it won’t break the bank and will leave you wonderfully satisfied. And whilst there are tiny places on every street, there’s no better place to head than Tel Aviv’s liveliest and most famous street market for a quick bite.This bustling, lively market is a must-visit on any visit to Tel Aviv - head to Shlomo and Doron, open since 1937 for a plate of their legendary hummus, or grab a tasty pita filled with pita chicken, sheep fat and spicy tomato sauce at ‘Carmel’. The tender lamb shawarma at Gertis is fantastic, and vegans can pick up a Sabich (an Iraqi sandwich, filled with egg, potato, salad and a spicy mango sauce drizzled over it named amba).To finish, pick up with a classic Hungarian pastry at Kortush - these caramelised, nut-filled confections (sometimes filled with whipped cream) are decadent and delightful and go perfectly with a cup of traditional thick Arabic coffee. Alternatively, the raspberry cookies, plum cake and chocolate babka at the renowned Lehamim Bakery are all hard to beat!A baklava stand in the Carmel MarketGourmet Cuisine for the Discerning TouristTel Aviv’s fine dining and gourmet chef restaurant scene (offering plenty of special Israeli touches) has really been making a name for itself in the last ten years, with a number of simply unmissable restaurants, offering stunning creations, bursting with flavour and attention to detail. With too many to write about, we’ve narrowed it down to three you have to try!Yaffo-Tel Aviv, headed by superstar chef Haim Cohen, draws on childhood memories in Jerusalem combined with classic French techniques he learned abroad - your bread will be baked in a tabun (clay oven) and the sea bass in a tomato butter and white wine sauce is extraordinary.Popina is another fine-dining must - nestled in the picturesque Neve Tzedek neighbourhood, it’s overseen by Orei Kimchi, who is considered to be one of the country’s most creative chefs. Serving both signature and seasonal dishes in an open kitchen, don’t miss the gin and tonic tartar and the foie gras buns, with one of their marvellous cocktails. For dessert, it has to be the chocolate praline mousse!Finally, you can’t miss Taizu, serving up exceptional South East Asian cuisine with a twist, inspired by chef Yuval Ben Neriiuh’s own journey to the Far East. Inspired by the colours, textures and flavours of the street food there, he returned to Tel Aviv and opened this place. The Shanghai dumplings (filled with veal cheeks and a pistachio masala, and butterflied sea bream with coconut, ginger and macadamia are phenomenal and their dessert ‘Charcoal corn’ (polenta cake, dark truffles and potato ice cream) really has to be tasted to be believed!Tel Aviv's gourmet chef restaurants are experiencing a culinary renaissance, making the city a hotspot for food enthusiastsA Taste of History in Old JaffaOld Jaffa is a magical place, home to an ancient harbour, a charming Artist’s Quarter and a vibrant flea market, not to all kinds of yummy delights. Don’t miss breakfast at Dr Shakshuka - this traditional Tunisian dish of eggs poached in a spicy tomato sauce is the perfect way to start your day. In the flea market, stop for a craft beer at the Beer Bazaar or a jug of fresh lemonade with mint at Pua, one of the area’s oldest and most quirky cafesAnyone with a sweet tooth should head to Yaffe Knafeh, which serves up traditional Arab pastries, made with spun pastry, soaked in sweet syrup and layered with cheese and pistachios (if you’re feeling decadent, order a scoop of vanilla ice cream with it!)And dinner plans? Carnivores could do worse than booking a table at Onza, which serves up traditional Ottoman and Turkish cuisine with a twist - try the tender lamb shawarma, the beef pide and their unusual dessert ‘chocolate nemesis’.For fish lovers, you have to head to ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ which is a legendary Jaffa restaurant, overlooking the Mediterranean. Before you’ve even ordered your mixed seafood or grilled St, Peter fish you’ll be presented by twenty little meze plates with a variety of traditional Middle Eastern salads, and with free lemonade and coffee and an extraordinary view over the sea, you’ll be in your element.Dr Shakshuka, one of the most populat restaurants of the cityFinally, if you've been bitten by the food bug, why not take a food-tasting tour in Tel Aviv where you can take a deep dive into the flavours and spices of Israeli food and learn more about the backstory of this country’s incredible culinary heritage.
By Sarah Mann

7 Best Italian Restaurants in Tel Aviv

If you’re visiting Tel Aviv and find yourself in the mood for some Italian cuisine, then you’re in luck. The Non-Stop City has a fantastic dining scene and the city is home to many top restaurants, many of which specialize in Italian fare, whether it’s simple pizza and pasta dishes or elegant Roman cuisine and Sicilian desserts that will make you sigh.Using high-quality ingredients, either grown locally (Israel’s famous for its cherry tomatoes!) or imported from the old country, even with minimal ingredients you’re talking about flavors and textures that never fail to hit the spot.From old-school trattorias to fine dining establishments, and from neighborhood haunts to celebrity haunts, here are what we think are seven of the best Italian restaurants in Tel Aviv…Neapolitan pizza, one of the most popular Italian dishes1. Cafe ItaliaIn the heart of Tel Aviv’s business district lies Cafe Italia, whose approach is ‘classic Italian food, served in a laid back atmosphere by professional yet warm staff’. And boy do they succeed in their mission! The dishes might be simple but they’re always well thought-out and presented and whilst the prices are high, you get good value and - hey - you only live once!From delightfully fresh salads to homemade tortellini, linguine and fettuccine (gluten-free options available) you’ll sigh with delight, and meat eaters will be in heaven with the Osso Bucco. For dessert, try the chocolate mousse or perhaps a classic Italian almond, lemon and polenta cake. And if you really want to indulge, take some of their gelato home…you won’t regret it. The wine list is also excellent by the way!Carbonara pasta. Italian traditional pasta2. ProntoPronto is a veritable institution in Tel Aviv and with good reason. One of the first trattorias in Tel Aviv, it’s headed by chef David Frankel, who has a reputation for creativity in his work…and the entire dining experience here perfectly combines formality. His desire to be innovative (reflected in the modern design) and yet traditional (using simple ingredients, that change with the season) is what makes this dining experience so wonderful.The menu is truly magnificent - buffalo mozzarella with aioli and anchovies and smoked pink trout with creme fraiche are excellent appetizers, not to mention dishes with figs, salty sheep's cheese and red snapper. Meat lovers will delight in the offal ravioli and sweetbreads with tartar, and seafood offerings include blue crabs with Jerusalem artichoke and red snapper with miso butter.With so much consideration taken in the composition of the dishes, truly this is Italian cuisine at its finest, which is why Pronto is consistently rated as one of Israel’s best restaurants).Arancini balls - Italian entree meal3. GemmaClose to the famous Gesher Theatre, in the trendy Noga area of south Tel Aviv, you’ll find this unassuming restaurant which serves tasty Italian fare with a slight Middle East twist, in warm and welcoming surroundings. Start with the artichoke and avocado salad or some crispy bruschetta, then pasta lovers should move on to lamb pappardelle or the gnocchi. The pizzas are particularly good - crispy, with just the right amount of cheese - and the tiramisu is divine.Gemma also has a lovely terrace on which to dine in warmer weather and inside you’ll find high ceilings and minimalist design, which make for a very comfortable dining experience! Afterward, if you’re not groaning from the large portions, take a stroll in nearby Jaffa, where you can enjoy the charm of the flea market and Artists’ Quarter as well as work off some calories!Lasagna Bolognese baked in the wood oven4. RusticoWith three branches across Tel Aviv, whether you dine at Rothschild Boulevard, Sarona or in the Old North you’re in for a treat at Rustico, which is beloved by locals for its intimate atmosphere and consistently good Italian dishes. The menu isn’t huge but everything on it is excellent - from the beef carpaccio and onion bruschetta to the spinach and lemon pappardelle and the mushroom risotto.The stars of the show, however, have to be their pizzas, which are a factor. Pizzas Tartufo (with truffles) and the Rustico (a Margherita with arugula added) are particularly good, and with a bottle of Chianti go down a treat. Plenty of sweet desserts to end your meal mean you’ll leave Rustico content and smiling.Asparagus and Mushroom Risotto with Thyme5. CantinaLocated on trendy and elegant Rothschild Boulevard, and is regularly frequented by the celebrities, artists and intellectuals of Tel Aviv. Cantina, this Italian eatery - with its huge balcony overlooking the people on the street, is the place to be, as well as enjoy authentic Italian food (just be aware that you absolutely have to book in advance!)Food is made with love from fresh ingredients, with all the dishes you’d expect including eggplant with mozzarella, beef carpaccio, pizzas, risottos and meat and fish grilled to perfection. They have an excellent wine list and are also open in the morning, so if you’re looking for breakfast in Tel Aviv then they can accommodate you. For dessert, it has to be the affogato!Afterward, take a stroll in this beautiful historic neighborhood and admire the Bauhaus architecture, or continue onto one of the areas's many trendy cocktail bars.Mushroom-stuffed ravioli pasta with creamy parmesan cheese sauce6. PankinaOn the corner of trendy Dizengoff Street with Gordon, you’ll find Pankina, an Italian restaurant and wine bar that has been delighting diners since it opened in 2017. As well as serving up excellent food, it has two other special attributes - it’s kosher (so perfect for orthodox Jews) and it also caters to those who are gluten-intolerant.Dishes that diners rave about include the Concia di Zucchine (a staple of Roman-Jewish, made up of courgettes marinated with olive oil, mint., garlic and parsley) four cheese gnocchi, arancini (fried risotto balls) and seared salmon. The desserts are all excellent, but the standout choice has to be their creamy, fluffy semifreddo. Cozy and charming, you'll want to return once you’ve eaten dinner on their terrace.Pasta alla Norma with eggplant, tomato, parmesan and basil7. Amore MioLast but not least, we had to include Amore Mio, a local restaurant on our list, because of its fantastic ambiance, great food and reasonable prices. Located on Ibn Givrol, close to Rabin Square, it's a trattoria that’s really stood the test of time and with its large portions and casual is very family-friendly (though not a bad place for a date either!)Whether you’re looking for a salad (their ‘Amore’ with lettuce, arugula, croutons, roasted red bell peppers, walnuts and Parmesan is fabulous) antipasti (the eggplant with tomato sauce comes highly recommended) or an enormous plate of pasta (adventurous eaters will enjoy the ‘Zio Giovanni’ which comes with goose breast) you won’t be disappointed. The pizzas are - without exception - all wonderful and the Millefoglia and chocolate fondant will both leave you speechless.Order a Peach Bellini, a Negroni or a simple glass of house red and enjoy! Amore Mio - what’s not to love?Tel Aviv offers a wide variety of culinary experiences beyond single-cuisine restaurants. In addition to dining at these restaurants, we recommend joining food tours in Tel Aviv to not only taste but also learn about the diverse range of dishes.
By Sarah Mann

4 Ways Get from Tel Aviv to the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a unique and extraordinary place, so it’s not surprising that it’s one of Israel’s most popular tourist spots. The lowest point on earth, its waters are so salty that no living thing can survive in them…and the experience of floating in its waters, unable physically to put your legs down on its bottom, whilst you gaze over at Jordan or stare at the astonishing salt formations is indescribable.The Dead Sea sits in the Judean desert, about half an hour’s drive from the ancient fortress of Masada and a 45-minute drive from Jerusalem. Essentially it’s a landlocked salt lake that is shared between Israel and Jordan (who own its western and eastern shores respectively). With a warm climate, a range of beaches and a number of top-end hotels (complete with spas and local mud treatments) it’s a fantastic destination for a weekend getaway or simply just a few hours of relaxation.So how do you get to the Dead Sea from Tel Aviv? The good news is you’ve got plenty of options because Israel might be a small country but it’s extremely modern with excellent infrastructure. This means that whether you opt for public transport, car rental, private transfer or an organized day trip, you’re not going to have too many problems journeying south, for an outing you'll never forget.The highway along the coast of the Dead Sea1. Public TransportThere is excellent public transport in Israel - both in the form of trains and buses - that run from early in the morning until late at night. It’s modern, efficient, cheap and fast so this can be a cost-effective way to travel around.The best way to get from Tel Aviv to the Dead Sea by public transport is with Egged bus number 421. It departs from the Sabidor (‘Tel Aviv 2000 Terminal’) station in the north of the city, on the Namir Road, which intersects with Arlozorov Street.The 421 bus leaves both at 9 am and 12 noon, Sunday to Thursday, and takes approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes. It’s a direct route, with air-con on the buses, and will cost you around 75 NIS (approx $20) for a one-way ticket. You can pay the driver in cash, when you get on, or buy tickets online beforehand from Egged, or load up a Rav Kav card with credit (which is easy to purchase).Buses return along the route at various times in the afternoon and if by any chance you miss the direct bus back, you can return to Tel Aviv via Jerusalem (which involves an easy change). The 486 and 444 will drop you directly at the Jerusalem Central Bus Station and from there there are two different buses to Tel Aviv - the 405 and 480 - which leave every 15 minutes to Tel Aviv’s two main bus stations.Egged bus is picking up passengers on the way to the Dead Sea2. Organised Day TripIf you’re traveling to Israel independently, you might haveTel Avivor Jerusalem as a base but are keen to see a bit more of the country. If you don’t want to rent a car (for whatever reason) and want to get out and out, then booking an organized tour is the way to go.With anorganized day tour to the Dead Sea, you’ll be picked up from your hotel (or a pre-arranged pick-up point in central Tel Aviv) early in the morning and be driven there along with other travelers. You’ll have the services of a qualified and licensed guide, who speaks excellent English (therefore circumventing any language issues) and knows the area well and transport will be with a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle.Not only will you have a guide to answer all your questions and be on hand to deal with unforeseen circumstances, but you’ll also meet other tourists visiting Israel, which is something quite appealing for many solo travelers. Many of these day trips to the Dead Sea also incorporate a visit to Masada, which is an added bonus! For those who don’t want the hassle of public transport but aren’t looking to splash out on a private transfer/tour, this is definitely an excellent option.A group of tourists on a guided tour of Masada and the Dead Sea3. Car RentalRenting a car in Israel is surprisingly easy and affordable and there are lots of car rental agencies in Tel Aviv with which you can hire a vehicle, giving you plenty of freedom to plan your own journey. Hertz, Eldan, and Shlomo Sixt are among the providers, and all you will need is your international driver’s license and a credit card.From Tel Aviv to the Dead Sea, take the Ayalon Highway south and look out for Highway 1 which will take you to Jerusalem. Continue on Highway 1 until you reach Highway 90 - this road will take you directly to the Dead Sea and you can then choose the beach you like the look of. With a car, it’s also easy to make a visit to the nearby Ein Gedi Nature Reserve. (beautiful waterfalls, wonderful hiking trails) or the wow-factor Masada fortress (about half an hour’s drive from the Dead Sea).Car rental lot in Tel Aviv4. Private TransferThis is by far and away the most convenient way to travel since once you’ve booked and paid for your transfer, everything will be taken care of. You’ll be picked up either at your hotel or your private accommodation and driven directly to the Dead Sea, in a luxurious, air-conditioned vehicle, with an English-speaking driver.You will be able to spend as much time as you want in the area before being driven back to Tel Aviv and, of course, if you’d like to see other spots in the area whilst you’re there, you can discuss this with your driver. This is definitely not a cheap option but it is the most stress-free. Enquire with your hotel concierge or with us here at Bein Harim for approximate prices.Of course, you can also take a private tour of the Dead Sea with a company such as ours, where you’ll have not just a driver but the services of your own personal guide for the day.Last WordsThe Dead Sea offers an unparalleled experience that blends natural wonder, historical significance, and modern convenience. Whether you choose the efficiency of public transport, the sociability of an organized day trip, the flexibility of renting a car, or the luxury of a private transfer, your journey from Tel Aviv to this unique destination will be straightforward and memorable.So, pack your swimsuit, prepare to float effortlessly in the buoyant waters, and get ready to explore one of the most extraordinary places on earth. The Dead Sea is waiting, promising an adventure filled with relaxation and awe.
By Sarah Mann

8 Best Nightclubs in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv’s not known as the ‘City that Never Sleeps’ for nothing! Along with its stunning beaches, fashionable restaurants, beautiful Bauhaus architecture and pretty people, this is a city that comes to life when the sun goes down and for party lovers and thrill lovers, the city is packed full of nightclubs, all with their own style and charm.Whether you’re looking for a chilled outdoor scene, clubs that give dance lessons before the party starts, or ‘underground vibes’ with hard-core techno you’ll find it in the Non-Stop City - Tel Aviv has bars and clubs to suit every taste and budget. So prepare yourselves, and rest before you hit the town, because chances are you might not return to your bed before the sun comes up…1. Kuli AlmaNestled in South Tel Aviv, and a bit of a neighborhood institution, you’ll find Kuli Alma (‘The Whole World’ in Aramaic, the language spoken in Israel in ancient times). Owned and operated by a number of DJs, artists and party people, it’s a cool underground bar that’s consistently voted one of Tel Aviv’s best night clubs and if you visit you’ll know why.Kuli Alma has a number of rooms, all playing different music…and the fact that it’s split into levels means it’s a club, bar, art space and entertainment hub all rolled into one. Cool, hip and artsy, if you want to experience Tel Aviv like the locals do, this is where to head. The music tends to be electric (and gets more extreme as the night goes on). Arrive before 11 pm if you don’t want to join a line and expect it to be packed on the weekends. Unmissable. 2. Jimmy WhoThis lounge bar on Rothschild Boulevard is a tried-and-tested favorite on the Tel Aviv club scene, and an ideal spot for clubbers who like electronic music (save for Mondays, when the beats are more techno and house) Split into three different spaces.Jimmy Who offers clubbers a large dance space, a designated smoking area and a buzzy atmosphere. Good drinks, although a little pricey, and themed evenings make for plenty of fun. Prepare to party in the early morning!3. ShalvataIf you want to party next to the Mediterranean coastline, under open skies and aren’t too worried about the price tag, then Shalvata is the spot for you. This lounge bar, in the heart of the Tel Aviv Namal Port area, is popular both with locals and tourists, and because it's set up as both open plan and open air, it’s an amazing place to drink a beer in the afternoon then just dance all evening and into the small hours.Shalvata’s music is quite mainstream, but the atmosphere is great - expensive sound system, modern lighting, live shows - and the vibes chilled. The whole ‘indoor-outdoor’ concept is quite unique by Tel Aviv nightclub standards, and at the weekends - with the DJd in overdrive - expect it to be crowded.4. SputnikDown a small alleyway, off Allenby Street, down in historic Tel Aviv, you’ll find Sputnik, a club that opened in 2016 and in no time at all gained cult status. Describing itself as a ‘multi-retro futuristic bar’ it has wildly cool decor (think mannequins, street signs and odd paintings) and is known for its specialty cocktails and light bites.For those that want to dance, head inside to the large dance floor where. techno music rules the scene but different DJS work each night. With an underground feel to it, Sputnik tends to host a young, hipster crowd but the atmosphere is so welcoming and staff so friendly that, no matter your age, you're bound to have fun.Credit: Sputnik Insagram5. HavanaIf you’re a fan of Latin music and dance, you can’t miss the Havana club down in Tel Aviv’s business district. With three different rooms where you can take lessons at the beginning of the evening, as the night progresses the place fills up. The largest space has an enormous parquet floor which is perfect for those wanting to discover their inner dancer or just strut their stuff and it’s a great place both to brush up on basic steps or simply perfect your moves.Salsa and bachata songs are very popular here and the expensive sound system and great cocktails just add to the magic. The reasonably priced food menu and outdoor seating areas are both bonuses! Be prepared for Havan to be busy on the weekends but if you’re a night owl then you’re in luck because it’s often open until 5 am.6. DuplexWith multiple dance floors and a rooftop space as well, Duplex is known for its diverse music scene, including 90’s rock, hip hop, reggae and themed events. Located in hipster Florentin, the biggest bonus for many is that there’s no smoking allowed inside the club (nicotine addicts can head to the balconies). With DJs who know their stuff and a relaxed crowd, you get several experiences for the price of one ticket!Credit:Duplex Insagram7. Zoo ZooLocated on beautiful and elegant Rothschild Boulevard, you can’t miss Zoo Zoo’s entrance because there are flamingos outside it! Whilst it markets itself as a gastropub, there’s a fun dance floor inside and the music (Latin, reggaeton, hip hop) attracts a great crowd, particularly at the weekends when it’s packed to the gills.Zoo Zoo has outdoor seating, cozy corners and a small but tasty menu - the music pulses, the people are young and beautiful and you can see it’s a spot where Tel Avivis love coming to kick back after a long work week. With every night a new experience, no wonder it's always so busy.8. Lima LimaWith a reputation for epic partying, Lima Lima’s got to be on the list for anyone visiting Tel Aviv. This is a spot that has a reputation for serious partying, with different themes each night (Thursdays are old school hip-hop, Friday's mainstream and each Monday it hosts a gay-friendly evening).With a large dance floor (always packed) and a great seating area outside, it’s well designed and with a great sound system and DJs who know what they’re doing (plus take requests), you can’t not enjoy yourself. They also have deals for ‘all-you-can-drink bracelets’ until certain hours, so head on down to Nahalat Binyamin where you can dance for hours or just sit outside and chill.
By Sarah Mann

7 Best Escape Rooms in Tel Aviv

The Escape Room craze has swept many parts of the world, including Israel, and if you’re visiting Tel Aviv and looking for something a bit out-of-the-ordinary to do then you’re in luck. Tel Aviv’s Escape Rooms are enormous fun, endlessly intriguing and - best of all - many have English language options.Escape Rooms are more than just pure fun - they’re the ultimate ‘team activity’ where you work together to solve logical puzzles, work out hidden cues and follow a storyline in the hope that you’ll solve the mystery.Perfect for a date night, birthday celebration, bachelorette party, team building activity or just a gang of friends looking for an unusual evening out, all you need to do is decide which one appeals most. Here’s our guide to what we think are some of the best escape rooms in Tel Aviv…so get your sleuthing hats on.1.TitanicOne of the most visited and popular escape rooms in Tel Aviv, Titanic (as you’ve guessed) refers to the infamous cruise liner that, after hitting an iceberg, sank in the Atlantic in 1912. The game is set on the ship, with panic and hysteria sweeping the decks as passengers realise there aren’t enough lifeboats and, in the cold and dark, are desperately trying to save themselves and their loved ones.As for you, along with some friends, you had earlier been caught stealing from the upper deck and, as punishment, were locked up. Can you break free and escape death by drowning as this incredible ship slowly sinks to the bottom of the ocean?Titanic comes highly recommended - it’s quite technical and mechanical and has some cool effects (although the flashing lights might be problematic for some) and the problems can be quite maddening. But those who go there say it really forces you to think creatively.An attempt to solve a Mexican-style puzzle2. Motel PanoramaA young woman approaches a private investigator, telling her she spent the night in a motel in south Tel Aviv and felt the presence of someone watching her whilst she slept. The company sends out a woman named Jane to check out the motel but after two nights Jabe goes missing.Where is Jane and has something terrible happened to her? It’s up to you to find out and try and save her - time is of the essence and with a human life hanging in the balance. you don’t have a moment to lose. With a well-decorated room, interesting riddles and even the experience of a live actor, you’re going to love this one.A young team searching for clues on a map while solving a mystery3. Alice in WonderlandIdeal for those with young children, Alice in Wonderland is, as you might imagine, rather a magical experience where, just like Alice, you’ll be following a white rabbit down a hole and into a very special Kingdom named Wonderland. Your task will be to help Alice escape and return home - and who knows what bizarre characters and odd experiences you’ll have in the meantime…With plenty of color and magic, this is an ideal escape room for the little ones (note there are two versions, and the one just for adults is a bit harder). The kids’ version also includes a unique clue book, which will let them solve the puzzles for themselves.Intriguing style escape room4. The IlluminatiMost who’ve experienced this one rave about it but with one caveat - this is not an escape room for the faint of heart! The Illuminati (a secret society which controls the world through shadowy tactics) have - over hundreds of years - amassed so much power and money, they’re causing havoc on the world stage at every turn.You are a group of investigators, whose tireless efforts have led you to the Dizengoff Centre in Tel Aviv, where this ‘shadow order’ has their HQ. Will you be able to get inside, expose them and save mankind in the process?The Illuminati escape room is both challenging and interesting with a room full of unusual puzzles. Complex (probably best for teenagers rather than young children) this is really one for those who want to flex their grey matter.A team looking in the bucket in search of a conundrum solution to get out of the trap5. ShabakKnown as ‘Shin Bet’ to the rest of the world but in the Hebrew language named ‘Shabak’, Israel’s internal secret service is legendary, recruiting the brightest and best for a career in homeland security - gathering intelligence, recruiting informers and protecting the state. But it’s no easy task to be accepted into this agency - there’s a grueling set of challenges you have to deal with before you can become a bona fide spy.‘Shabak’ is perfect for anyone who ever wondered what the world of subterfuge was all about, or secretly fancied themselves as the next James Bond. If you want to find out whether a life of adventure (and some danger) is right for you, then come to this escape room where, in one hour, you’ll be given a set of challenges to see if you’re cut out for a career in this ‘cloak and dagger’ industry.6. Prison BreakAfter having been accused of a serious robbery (in which the police fabricated evidence against you) you’ve been sentenced to life imprisonment at the notorious Etzel Prison. At the moment you’ve almost begun to lose hope, you learn that a small group of prisoners are planning to ‘break out’ and you’re going to be put in the cell with them. Is this your final chance at freedom? You’ll have 60 minutes to make it happen.With excellent background music and lighting just perfect, reviewers say this is a fantastic experience. There are lots of riddles and puzzles that have been very well thought out, this is a game where teamwork is paramount so it’s great for those who want to get to know each other a little better.7. Hotel CaliforniaMade famous by the Eagles rock band, the song everyone knows talks about the hotel you can check out of any time but never really leave. This escape room’s a homage to that theme, with you investigating the mysterious Room 138 of the Hotel California - strange sounds, odd activities. The question is, if you enter this room, will you come out alive?Visitors here talk about the creepy atmosphere, with quite a high ‘fear’ level (though the operator can dial it down if you get too scared!) The plot is fascinating and there are some complex puzzles to decode - this escape room is certainly not for the faint-hearted!
By Sarah Mann