Jabotinsky Shuni Park - Israel's Wine Region

About this place

On the road between Benyamin and Zichron Yaákov, at the foot of the Ramat Nadiv Heights, lies Park Jabotinsky, surrounded by vineyards and natural countryside. Visitors to the park can see the remains of a flourishing Roman settlement and the remains of an Ottoman-era structure used later by Jewish pioneers.

Between 1914 and 1947 the Jewish military organization, Igun, made this their training base. The park is named after one of the Zionist leaders, Zeév Jabotinsky (1880-1940). In 1986 the Israel National Fund preserved the historic structures and created parklands around the Roman, and Ottoman remains. Today visitors can see the archaeological remains and the Shuni Archaeological Museum which documents the site’s history.

Also, see the Achaim Sculpture Museum, and enjoy the park. The archaeological remains include a Byzantine-era olive press, and a Roman amphitheater, where there are regular performances and concerts. On-site you’ll find a restaurant, picnic areas, and 37-acres of well-kept lawns and gardens. You can follow a path that leads to Ein Tzur, and Khirbet Umm Alaq in Ramat HaNadiv. From the park’s observation points you can see across the Nahal Taninim Valley.

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