Historical Sites in Northern Israel

Historical sites in northern Israel include locations where biblical stories unfolded, great battles were fought, and monumental events took place. Christian visitors can see the Mt. of Beatitudes, Capernaum where Jesus lived during his ministry, and the biblical fishing village of Bethsaida. Historical Jewish sites include the tombs of Jewish sages in Tiberias, plus Abuhav Synagogue, and Ari Ashkenazi Synagogue in Safed. Acre is home to the historical Or Torah Synagogue, and the Ramchal Synagogue. Muslim visitors can discover the magnificent Al-Jazzar Mosque in Acre and the White Mosque in Nazareth.

Among the lush vegetation of Banias, are the remains of a Roman cult center for the god Pan, and on the Golan Heights, are the natural hot springs of Hamat Gader where Romans bathed. Crusaders built Belvoir Fortress in 1168, south of the Sea of Galilee, and Montfort Fortress that looks down on a forest-covered valley. The largest Crusader fortress in Israel is Nimrod Fortress, on the slopes of Mt. Hermon.

For more recent historical sites visit the Oz77 Memorial and learn about the battle that took place here during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Another remnant of the battle between Syria and Israel can be seen at Mt. Bental, where there are abandoned bunkers used during the massive tank battle of 1973. This is just a taste of the historical sites in northern Israel!

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